Join me in writing letters of 'thankfulness' and 'appreciation' to all seniors living in our communities and senior homes.
Seniors are so full of blessings, wisdom and knowledge. They play a vital role in our communities in transferring it to the next generation. Lets give them the best Christmas that they have experienced. Words are powerful and 'written down on paper' becomes a legacy.
We are thankful to all our seniors for being our fore runners in making our communities strong and safe. They fought for peace so that we can live with freedom.
Watch this space for more information on dates and drop off points for your letters.
WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW : Round up families and friends who would like to write these letters of appreciation and thankfulness to our seniors. 1 November 2021 we will have all drop off points available to you.
Follow me on facebook 'coffee of encouragement' and 'Yoleen Naidoo - Ms Canada World Universal 2020 - 2021' for the latest community events.